Sunday, June 3, 2018

Part 3 - Technology & Communication: Adapt and Train. Journalists You Will Be Fine.

Is there a Change in Emerging Journalistic Practices?

In the last decade, the advances in technology has transformed every aspect of our lives and the inclusiveness of a plethora of social media platforms has made the construction of distinct online presences a phenomenon.  Consequently, the ability to identify good online branding practices and to employ them effectively and efficiently based on one’s individual branding needs is integral to the success a personal brand. Since the inception of social media platforms and mobile technologies one major emerging journalistic practice that has become integral to journalists is that of honing a "personal brand". 

Personal Branding for Journalist

Irina Petruca (2016) states that social media is “the best and easiest way to grow a personal identity, to establish a reputation and become visible in a specific industry or niche” and this is the ideal place for a personal brand to be “actualized.” Petruca (2016) further shares that individuals identify others through their brands and this is integral to how one desires to be perceived. Moreover, journalists have become cognizant that in the digitized era they must focus on online sources, employing new media tools for information gathering and dissemination, connection with audiences through citizen journalism, knowing how to identify and incorporate user generated content and enhancing their story telling techniques, whilst building their personal brand.  Additionally, Dawn Edmiston (2014) establishes that the initial step to creating an online presence is to begin with a personal mission statement and “brand promises”. This critical step creates the scaffold on which branding can be built and in journalism. Edmiston (2014) further highlights that: 
  • It is important that an online identity is established, use your name.  
  • Create all handles on social networks with personalized URLs.
  • Develop content through the creation of blogs, postings and online articles.
  • Actively network, monitor your brand, measure your online “klout" and engage the audience. 
The practices and/or strategies outlined in the sources have created the road map that is needed to begin the process of developing a personal brand that will cater to having a personal and professional online presence. "Your brand is your authentic self” and it takes persistence, time and effort to cultivate a strong personal brand. However, what limitations can arise from employing new technologies to devise a personal brand?  Sherry Moats (2015) highlights that the major limitations of mobile technologies are based on platform diversity – inconsistency with screen sizes, operating systems and browsers; privacy issues – social media platform creators, and marketers should provide clear and brief instructions to users about how to alter their privacy settings. Knowing ways around these limitations will aid in building a brand that leaves a lasting impression.

Edmiston, D. (2014). Creating a Personal Competitive Advantage by Developing a Professional Online Presence. Marketing Education Review, 24(1), 21-24. doi:10.2753/MER1052-8008240103 

Guiseppi, Meg. (2017, April). "Your Online Reputation Precedes You: Make sure to craft a brand that will help you land your next job." HR Magazine, (62) 3, pp. 20-21.  Retrieved from  

Joseph, K. (2015, May 12). How to Use Social Media to Build Your Personal Brand Online. [Image]. Retrieved June 01, 2018, from 

Moats, S. (2015, February 9). Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile Marketing. Retrieved June 22, 2018, from

Petruca, I. (2016, December). Personal Branding Through Social Media. International Journal of Communication Research, 6(4), 389-392. Retrieved from